Monday 28 November 2011

Script Idea for Storyboard

This isn't going to be notes on a reading, instead, I am going to post up the script I did that I am going to use for a storyboard. The story is about a creature called Bozz who is lonely and wants a friend, then a creature called Ch-Cheemo appears and Bozz suddenly has his friend (not going into more detail) .I was told that it'd be too long to storyboard all of it, so I will do a portion of what I feel could be good to storyboard, in the mean time, feel free to have a look, leave a comment if you want too and if you think a bit in particular would be good to storyboard then feel free.

Bozz and the Ch-Cheemo 

Act 1
The start of the story begins with a book floating around in a blank space in the universe. Then all of a sudden, a butterfly floats by, but this isn’t an ordinary butterfly, the appearance of one stayed the same, but that was as far as it went, he had a striped body, and looked like it was wearing sunglasses and something around it’s head that looks like headphones. He will serve as the narrator.
       Welcome one and all!
       (Turns towards the screen – breaking the fourth wall)
What? (Sounding more serious) Never seen a butterfly like me before! You got a problem with that!? (Then goes surprisingly calm) Only kidding (then laughs). Back to business, I’m basically here to tell you about a character who has no friends, but then one day, that all changes…
The butterfly then ascends above the book and then suddenly, the book opens, and a weird glow appears from out of it.


The story in a small little meadow, in this meadow there is a giant tree that has a rock underneath it, on this rock, was a weird looking creature. He had a gut, big teeth, a longish neck along with something that could have been a beer belly, as well as eyes that seemed like they didn’t belong and could have probably been passed off as glasses.

Bozz was sitting on the rock, but not for the reason you’d like to think. He was hunched up, head looking down towards the ground, his eyes would have been happy but this time there was nothing but loneliness and sadness in those eyes, arms swaying at the side and his feet dangling. He sighed heavily, still retaining the same position he was originally in. Then, all of a sudden, a gust of wind blew viciously behind him. Bozz turns around...

...and he sees a creature standing there. Odd thing, Small head, a narrow egg like body with a strip around it, skinny arms and legs, antenna on its head, and a pair of wings that did not seem to belong. The creature then smiles.

(Stares at the creature, then asks in a questionable voice) Friend?

(Smiles at Bozz) Friend!

(Big smile across his face and then jumps up and down. He then stops and introduces himself) I’m Bozz.

Ch-Cheemo! (Ch-Cheemo extends his hand)
(Bozz looks at it as if it’s something not from this world, he then reciprocates with this action and the pair are now shaking hands – however, Bozz doesn’t notice the sinister look that Ch-Cheemo has on his face, not good!)

(Both creatures then decide to go and have some fun and proceed to walk down the path heading out of the meadow)

The Narrator then pops up as the characters are off in the distance

And so, Bozz and Ch-Cheemo have found each other and are now of to live happily ever after (chuckles for a bit) Yeah right, this isn’t one of those stories. Let us continue with this tale.


Bozz and Ch-Cheemo are running down the path, both with smiles on their faces

(They stop running after a little while, he turns to Ch-Cheemo) So, what we going to do?

Ch-Cheemo noticed a weird looking creature, it was a small thing, it looked like an eyeball but it had hands and feet and something that may have been hair, it was walking down another path completely carefree and happy.

(Smiles) Wait here a second (and then flies off.)

Bozz stands around waiting; he looks around the environment for a little bit, looks like an open field, though everything is in weird and wonderful colours. He then hears a “What’s going on? Unhand me!”

Bozz turns his head and see’s Ch-Cheemo carrying the creature it had spotted earlier while flying into the air. The eyeball creature sounded frightened,

(Looked on confused) Why are you doing that?

Ch-Cheemo is laughing and then proceeds to throw the little creature up and down while in the air who was now on the verge of tears. Bozz turns to walk away...

(Noticeing this, drops the small creature and then flies towards Bozz) Where are you going?

(Turns to Ch-Cheemo) Why was you doing that (hint of anger in his voice) he did nothing wrong!

(Stands with a blank look on his face, no answer for a little while, then sighs) Let’s do something else.

(Stands in silence for a few seconds, then in a stern voice) Don’t do anything like that again! Or -

-   I promise
Though the sinister twinkle that was in Ch-Cheemo’s eye says otherwise, he weren’t prepared to take orders from anyone.

The duo continue to walk down the path until they come across a field, and then found a spot to relax for a while. Bozz is lying down, while Ch-Cheemo is sitting next to him – looking rather bored. Bozz eventually nods off.


The duo continues to walk down the path until they come across a field, and then found a spot to relax for a while. Bozz is lying down, while Ch-Cheemo is sitting next to him – looking rather bored. Bozz eventually nods off.

Ch-Cheemo looks around and notices a couple of other creatures, one similar to the eyeball creature from earlier only this one had a moustache and was slightly taller, while the other creature was rather small, he had a head with feet and a small tuft of hair on his head – like a pineapple...only not as appetising. The two creatures were happily walking, minding their own business, nothing should of happened to them. But, that’s not how Ch-Cheemo sees it – he’d thought hed have some ‘fun’.



Cheemo sprung up and flew towards them as quick as a dart and tackled the eyeball like creature, and then proceeded to do the same thing he did earlier to the previous creature.

The Little Head Creature
(In a child’s voice) Stop doing that you big bully!

Ch-Cheemo started to become more aggressive, he started to now shake the poor eye creature viciously, and even ripped off the poor creatures moustache out of pure cruelty. All that was heard was a loud scream of pain and agony. Bozz is woken up.

(Slaps the eye creature hard enough to knock it out, then starts to chuckle) This is fun! (Proceeds to start laughing)

The Little Head Creature
(Shaking out of pure anger towards this creature, and then it snaps) How can you find this fun!” and then continued to say “You are nothing but a bully! You –

(Ch-Cheemo had heard enough and kicked the little guy hard! A sharp pain shot through the little guy who started to cry)

(In an angry voice) How could you!

(Ch-Cheemo turns out)

You promised you wouldn’t do this! (tears start to run down Bozz’s face) I don’t want to be your friend anymore!

With that, the sky turned pitch black, thunder and lightning began to occur in the sky. The thunder and lightning stop...but then, a pair of eyes appeared in the sky from out of nowhere...and they looked angry...

This is the part where Ginmoo appears.

(He speaks in a deep, gruff and serious voice) I am Ginmoo! The creator of this world!(his sight was then set on Ch-Cheemo) and you are the one who has disturbed the peace and prosperity of our world!

(Ch-Cheemo was now frozen with fear, Bozz was more in shock than anything else)

(Stuttering as he was shaking in complete fear) I...I...I didn’t mean too –

(Angrily interrupting) SILENCE! You will never change your ways and for all you have done, I banish thee from existence!

And with that, a pair of hands appeared near the eyes both of them opened and a typhoon appeared from them, aiming toward Ch-Cheemo. Ch-Cheemo began to fly as fast as his wings would carry him, but it was no use, the last thing that came out of his mouth was a scream, he was sucked into the typhoon, and he was gone. After a moments silence, the eyes and hands of Ginmoo disappeared as did the black sky and dark clouds, Bozz sighed, and began to walk back to the rock, back to where he was...alone, again.

The screen moves back to where it began, in the universe with the book now closed and the Narrator now in focus

And so, we come to end the tale, it’s a shame that Bozz didn’t get the friend he was looking for, maybe one day he’ll find a creature to call his friend, but that is a story for another time.

The butterfly then flies off.


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