Wednesday 2 November 2011

Bibliography - Harvard Style

Well, this will be a different blog post instead of the readings I have been posting. Instead, what I will be blogging will be a task, a task to create a short bibliography. One of our lecturer's, Eddie, has been going on about a program called Zotero, for those who don't know, Zotero is a software that can help make a bibliography easier (apprently), it can be downloaded as a stand-alone download, an add-on for Firefox or an add-on for Google Chrome (though it's a tester so it may have a few problems), I downloaded the stand-alone version. So, for this task, I had to compile a bibliography of 6 items: 2 books, 2 articles and 2 contributions. Took some doing, but here is my list:

Alphra, K. 2006 -  The Business and Culture of Digital Games; Gamework/Gameplay, Sage Publications Ltd.

Adams, E. 2009 - Fundamentals of game design 2nd ed, New Riders.

Politi, G. 2001 - Flash Art International Ed

Jacobson, J. Hwang, Z. -Unreal Tournament For Immersive Interactive Theater Volume 45(1), pg 39 - 42, 3p

Caillois, R. 2006. "The Definition of Play. The Classification of Games". Salen. K and Zimmermann.E.The Game Design Reader: A Rules of Play Anthology. London. 122-155.

Kaminka, G.A. et al., 2002. GAMEBOTS: A FLEXIBLE TEST BED FOR MULTIAGENT TEAM RESEARCH. Communications of the ACM, 45(1), pg 43-45.

To end this post, I will give you my honest opinion of Zotero...I didn't like it. Though that was mainly because I didn't know how to use it properly (maybe I might change my mind if I get to grips with the software, always a possibility). That being said, if you decide to use this software - get the plug-in for Firefox (even if you don't like Firefox) it's less hassle. On that note, till the next time.


  1. There seems to be only one contribution to a book. The entry for the Jacobson and Hwang journal article appears incomplete. It's not really clear what kind of item the Politi entry represents.

  2. Thanks for pointing that out, I will sort it out as soon as.
