Thursday 29 March 2012


What is remediation? Well according to Bolter and Grusin - it's what we call a representation of one medium in another remediation. We argue that remediation is a defining characteristic of the new digital media.

  • Media that aspire to a condition of transparency.
  • The aim is to make the viewer 'forget' that they are watching a movie for example and be drawn in the experience.
  • Immersive virtual reality.
  • Photo realistic images.
  • Artfefacts that are aware of and wish to display their own constricted native.
  • They call attention to their own constructed nature all the time.
  • WWW.
  • Video Games Hub.
Some redmediations relate to a whole range of conventions. Examples of Aesthectic conventions being constantly traded between the different media. Photorealism is an example of immediacy, but not the preserise of the medium of photography.

Hypermediacy isn't an example of aesthetic perserve of the world wide web, as it's conventions have been picked by the television's rolling news, news feeds on mobile phones.

Why remediations takes place?

It takes time for new medium todevelop unique foms of content. No surprise that sucessful conventions are traded between media. Computer games visuals have been used in film - CGI. Which has become very popular over the years as alot films use it, be it either for the whole film, or just certain aspects of it.

My personal opinion on remediation is that I find it very interesting how certain aspects of media have been taken from one and used onto another (may sound as if I am repeating myself a little bit), however, the problem with that is once people keep using a certain kind of remediation - be it majorly or a little bit, it starts to become a bit too samey, but on the other hand, as things keep getting over used there are a few ways people try and better them.

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