Thursday 29 March 2012

My thoughts on La Decima Vittima

The folllowing post will be my thoughts on the film La Decima Vittima (translated as The Tenth Victim). In a lecture, we watched a italian movie (see the title of the post). We were discussing games that take place in real time (Pervasive Games ), and this film is a prime example of just that. The film takes place in Italy, where the world is like a game where assassin's have to kill each other to go up in the ranks. Minus that, you have a cheesy storyline between the main character, Marcello, who is one of the assassin's in a loveless marriage with his wife, who finds himself the traget of female assassin Caroline who is looking for her tenth victim (ironically enough, it just happens to be Marcello). My personal opinion of the film was that the concept and idea of how the world has become one big game show was fantastic, but unfortunately I wasn't too keen on the film. The storyline was a bit too cheesey for my liking, and a bit too predictable on how it would progress and how it ends.

The film did help make live action games more popular, one of the most well known examples would have to be The Assassin's game. It's a game that takes place in real time which involes a a group of people (who signed up to play this game) are assigned a target in the "outside world" and are set out to "kill" them. You have three ways of eliminations: direct, indirect and capture. Direct eliminations occur when a player uses long ranged weapons: examples include water pistols, nurf guns, and fake stabbings. Indirect eliminations involve "poising" the target using tabassco sauce or vinegar. Capture elimination is just by tackling the target to the ground. The game is pretty popular in universities around the world, and there are a few videos on it.

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