Saturday 1 October 2011

Hello World

My name is Daniel Leaf (or Dan Leaf, Dan, Danny Boy, Leaf, etc). I am currently a student at University Campus Suffolk studying a BA Hons in Computer Games Design, as you can see, I am aspiring to be a Computer Games Designer, that is my goal. This blog has been created so I can put my thoughts up on the texts I will be reading in the semester as well as show some of the work that I will be working on throughout the year.

I suppose you may want to know a few things about me, so I will give you a few minor things, had to answer a little Q & A in class earlier (only a couple of questions), so, here goes something: -

What is the last title of a book (fiction) you are currently reading?
Last fictional book I am currently reading is "To Where Your Scattered Bodies Go" by Philip Jose Farmer. It follows the adventures of the adventures of Sir Richard Francis Burton and his companions who have long died and have found themselves in a new world with a ongoing river and they make it their quest to find what the river is and what it represents. I haven't read much for it to give you a full detailed description, but from what I have read so far, it is enjoyable and look forward to reading more.

What is the last live performance you attended?
I went to attend a live taping of TNA Wrestling at the Wembely Arena in January with my dad and my little cousin. As you can tell by this, I am fan of Wrestling (well, the sports entertainment kind anyway), have been since I was a kid. It's not fake, it's scripted and it takes some talent to do the kind of things they do and I respect that.

Last title of a film you saw at the cinema/online or watched on DVD?
I watched Good Burger (the two main guys from Kenan and Kel starred in it) with a flatmate, I wouldn't say it's my favorite (partly because the question didn't ask) but it was definitely enjoyable and amusing if you have that kind of sense of humour.

Which art gallery/museum/exhibition did you last visit?
It would have to be the National Gallery. Never use to visit galleries much but I did an art course for a year before I came to University as it was expected of us, I haven't been to one recently, but I do plan on going to one soon. I like art, and isn't computer games design an art form?

How many hours a week do I spend playing video games?
Maybe about 6 - 9 hours, it's an estimate. Will be less than that one though I can assure you haha

How many hours a week do I spend time playing games other than video games?
Again, another estimate, I'd say the same answer as above.

A few random questions I was asked in relation to the ones I was asked above:

What size shoe do I wear?
I'm size 10 :D

What were my favourite subjects in school?
I enjoyed Maths, DiDA (Dipolma in Digital Applications), and English.

Well, here you have it, I will post up more in due course. So, take care.


  1. Hi Dan,

    Did the person who interviewed you ask you *all* the questions?

  2. Little brief on the answers here dan, what did you think about some of the things you read and saw?


  3. @ Rob and Eddie: I have updated the answers, maybe not all the questions are up, but it's more detailed than it was previously.
